Home Cloud Infrastructure as Code (IaC) – How to choose between CloudFormation and Terraform

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) – How to choose between CloudFormation and Terraform

by Vamsi Chemitiganti

Infrastructure as code (IaC) is the practice of automating the provisioning and management of IT infrastructure using machine-readable configuration files or scripts, rather than manual configuration. The idea is to treat infrastructure as a software-defined service, allowing for better scalability, consistency, and control over the environment. IaC enables IT teams to define and manage infrastructure resources, such as virtual machines, storage, networks, and security policies, in a repeatable, reliable, and predictable manner. It eliminates the need for manual intervention, reduces the likelihood of human error, and enables quick and consistent deployments of infrastructure.

Differences between Cloudformation and Terraform

There are certain scenarios where CloudFormation may be a better choice than Terraform:

  • AWS-Only Environment: If you are using only AWS services and do not plan to work with other cloud providers or non-AWS services, CloudFormation is designed specifically for AWS, providing native support for all AWS resources.
  • Seamless AWS Integration: CloudFormation is tightly integrated with other AWS services, such as AWS Organizations, AWS Service Catalog, and AWS Config. If you need these integrations, CloudFormation may be the better choice.
  • Stack Drift Detection: CloudFormation has built-in drift detection that identifies discrepancies between the stack template and the actual stack resources. This feature helps maintain consistency between the infrastructure and the code.
  • AWS Support: Using CloudFormation ensures that you receive support from AWS for any issues related to infrastructure management. AWS support might be more knowledgeable about CloudFormation and can provide faster solutions to problems.
  • Compliance and Security: CloudFormation has integration with AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), allowing you to manage permissions for resources and actions easily. You can also use Service Control Policies (SCPs) to enforce specific rules across your AWS environment.
  • Cost Allocation and Reporting: CloudFormation integrates with AWS Cost Explorer, making it easier to allocate costs to specific resources and generate reports.
  • Familiarity: If your team is already experienced with AWS and CloudFormation, adopting Terraform might require additional training and adaptation. In such cases, sticking with CloudFormation can reduce the learning curve and improve efficiency.

While CloudFormation has its advantages, it’s important to consider the specific requirements of your project and team before making a decision.

Terraform can be a better choice than CloudFormation in the following scenarios:

  • Multi-Cloud and Hybrid Environments: Terraform supports multiple cloud providers and other services. If you need to manage resources across various platforms, Terraform provides a unified and consistent approach.
  • Modularity and Reusability: Terraform’s module system enables better code reusability and modular infrastructure design. This makes it easier to maintain, scale, and collaborate on infrastructure management.
  • Language and Readability: Terraform uses HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL), which is more human-readable and easier to learn than CloudFormation’s YAML or JSON. This can lead to better collaboration and faster adoption by your team.
  • Community Support: Terraform has a large and active community that contributes to its module registry, making it easier to find pre-built modules for various use cases. This can save time and effort compared to creating custom templates in CloudFormation.
  • Ecosystem and Third-Party Integrations: Terraform integrates well with other HashiCorp tools (e.g., Vault, Consul, Packer) and third-party services, providing a more flexible and extensible ecosystem.
  • Preview Changes: Terraform’s plan command allows you to review infrastructure changes before applying them, giving you better control over the changes being made.
  • Error Management: Terraform generally provides clearer error messages and easier debugging, which can save time and effort compared to CloudFormation.
  • Execution Speed: Terraform is generally faster than CloudFormation when working with many resources, making it more suitable for large-scale infrastructure management.

While Terraform has many advantages, it’s essential to consider the specific requirements of your project and team before deciding between Terraform and CloudFormation.

Differences between Terraform and AWS CloudFormation:

Aspect Terraform CloudFormation
Provider Support Supports multiple cloud providers, as well as other services. Limited to AWS resources
Language HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL), which is more human-readable and easier to learn YAML or JSON, which can be harder to read and more error-prone
Modularity Supports modules, which makes it easy to reuse code and create modular infrastructure Supports nested stacks for modularity, but it’s less intuitive than Terraform’s approach
State Management Uses a state file to track resource information, making it easy to manage and modify infrastructure Uses stack resources for state management, which can be more difficult to manage
Community Support Large community support and numerous available modules, making it easy to find solutions for different use cases Limited to AWS resources and use cases, and a smaller module library
Ecosystem Integrates well with other HashiCorp tools (e.g., Vault, Consul, Packer) and third-party services Integrates with other AWS services, but may not work as seamlessly with third-party tools
Versioning and Rollbacks Supports resource versioning and rollbacks, allowing for better management of infrastructure changes Provides Change Sets and Stack Policies to manage infrastructure changes, but it can be less flexible
Preview Changes terraform plan command shows the changes before applying, enabling better decision-making Change Sets provide similar functionality, but the output can be less user-friendly
Error Management Easier to debug, providing better error messages and clearer references to issues in code Less user-friendly error messages, often requiring more time to debug and fix
Execution Speed Generally faster than CloudFormation, especially when working with many resources Slower in comparison to Terraform, particularly with a large number of resources
Drift Detection Drift detection is possible through terraform refresh and third-party tools, but it’s not built-in Built-in drift detection, which identifies discrepancies between the stack template and actual stack resources
Permissions and Security Manages permissions through cloud provider IAM services, but may require manual configuration Integrates with AWS IAM, allowing you to manage permissions for resources and actions easily
AWS Support AWS support is available, but they may be more knowledgeable about CloudFormation Full support from AWS for any issues related to infrastructure management
Cost Allocation and Reporting Cost allocation and reporting can be achieved through third-party tools and cloud provider services Integrates with AWS Cost Explorer, making it easier to allocate costs to specific resources and generate reports


Featured Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

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